Thursday, December 25, 2008


They let us out from work at 2:30 yesterday afternoon, so I was able to sing the 4:00 service of Lessons and Carols with a 3:00 p.m. rehearsal call before taking Adam to dinner last night. 

The Midnight Mass was full to the brim. Dean Alan Jones-- about to retire next month-- is somewhat still the consummate showman. To illustrate his point that Christmas represents dreaming and expectant longing, he had a boy from the choir sing White Christmas somewhere in the nave or possibly from the rear gallery, while artificial snow fell on the high altar from the crossing. It was reminiscent of the Easter Vigil poppy fall, when heat from the many candles surrounding the high altar causes paper poppies left over from Veterans' Day to rise and drift down like isolated autumn leaves. Whenever I go, it's the high point of the Easter Vigil for me. 

The new bishop is still a creative composer when singing the liturgy. I doubt that he'll ever be able to change. He just doesn't hear it. At least, he speaks very well. 

I'm up only to feed my dogs, then back to bed, before returning to Grace Cathedral for a 10:00 a.m. rehearsal and 11:00 service. 

To think that Dennis and I used to celebrate Christmas after the Midnight Mass with champagne, oysters, cold lamb chops, grilled asperagus, and a special dessert, then open our presents, play with the dogs, and go back to bed before rising for the morning service! We were a lot younger then!!

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Titian in the Frari (Venezia)