Friday, December 5, 2008

In Memorium: Wolfgang Amadeus MOZART

January 27, 1756, Salzburg ~ December 5, 1791, Vienna


I received an email late Saturday that Fenno Heath, Conductor Emeritus of the Yale Glee Club, died on Friday December 5 about the time I was rehearsing with the Grace Cathedral Choir of Men and Boys and orchestra for our upcoming Christmas Concerts. I went on a tour of Latin America with Fenno forty years ago last summer! I last saw Fenno at the Spizzwink Reunion four and a half years ago. When I shared with him how John Mihaly, a drop-out Yale Divinity student, had been the actual founder of Chanticleer, Fenno related how John had been influenced by the Kings Singers, who were artists-in-residence at Yale during John's time in New Haven. (More about the founding of Chanticleer in February.)

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Titian in the Frari (Venezia)